Worker check-in attendance using Self TAG feature

Publicado casi 5 años hace por Xidcorp Limited

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Xidcorp Limited
Xidcorp Limited Administrador


This is an instructional video detailing how a member uses the workXid® app to register arrival and departure from the job site.

The video details TAG IN - Arriving at the Job Site and TAG OUT - Departure from the Job Site.

The member must have the Self TAG feature enabled on his workXid profile to use this feature!

How do I check if the Self TAG feature is enabled on my workXId app?

Go to the workXid app menu and select SETTINGS.  Self Tag In/Out should be Enabled

If the Self TAG feature is not enabled on your device, then contact your organization's administrator and request authorization.  


VIDEO DURATION: 1 minute, 35 seconds.

Instructions how to TAG IN Job Site

Step 1 - Open your registered workXid App.

Step 2 - Select the Menu icon (top left).

Step 3 - From the menu, select My Card.

Step 4 – On My Card select the Self TAG icon (Xman triangle - top right).

Step 5 – On Self Tag, select the yellow JOB SITE icon.

Note: The blue bar shows your device GPS accuracy. Tapping the blue bar toggles between map and satellite views.

Step 6 – Select the yellow gate (TAG Sign) when it appears on the map. 

No yellow Gate appearing! Then your likely out of range of the defined gate. Simply continue to select the blue SERVICE icon and continue.

Step 7 - Select the Green TAG IN bar (bottom).

Step 8Press OK to acknowledge TAG IN.

Instructions how to TAG OUT Job Site

Step 1 - Open your registered workXid App.

Step 2 - Select the Menu icon (top left).

Step 3 - From the menu, select My Card.

Step 4 – On My Card select the Self TAG icon (Xman triangle - top right). 

Step 5 – On Self Tag, select the yellow JOB SITE icon.

Note: The blue bar shows your device GPS accuracy. Tapping the blue bar toggles between map and satellite views.

Step 6 – Select the yellow gate (TAG Sign) when it appears on the map. 

No yellow Gate appearing! Then your likely out of range of the defined gate. Simply continue to select the blue SERVICE icon and continue.

Step 7 - Select the   Red  TAG OUT bar (bottom).

Step 8Press OK to acknowledge TAG OUT.



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