Sign On Message: Access to the system is locked!

Publicado casi 3 años hace por Xidcorp Limited

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Xidcorp Limited
Xidcorp Limited Administrador

Hello workXid member,

Are you having difficulty with your sign on to the workXid system?

The workXid system has a security feature to ensure against password hacking bots.

If you attempt to sign on incorrectly more than five times in less than 5 minutes your IP address will locked out of the system!

You will be presented with the following warning message during your sign on attempt. 

Access to the system is locked. Please check with your system administrator.

This security feature will also temporarily lock out all individuals that are attempting to sign on from the same network IP address (same WiFi system) when activated. 

Solution: Wait for 15 minutes before attempting to retry any sign on.  


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