What are Industry Compulsory Certificates?

Publié sur 5 ans il y a par  Xidcorp Limited

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Xidcorp Limited
Xidcorp Limited Administrateur

Within the workXid service each participating industry sector are responsible to establish a minimum set of compulsory certificates.

Individuals within that industry must acquire those certificates to maintain industry compliance. All organization administrators will be responsible for matching the minimum set of industry compulsory certificates for each member. 

Each industry sector requires that the individual member has certificates that align with the compulsory certificates. Those certificates must be validated and not have a pending or expired certificate status.

Industry Sector
Compulsory Certificate NameShort Name
CONSTRUCTION 1Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
2Health and Safety Awareness
ENERGY OIL/GAS/MID 1Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
2Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) AwarenessH2S
3Transport of Dangerous GoodsTDG
4First Aid with CPR
INFO TECHNOLOGY1Workplace Hazardous Materials Information SystemWHMIS
OHS CSLTG SVCS 1Workplace Hazardous Materials Information SystemWHMIS

 If an employee is non-compliant, they will be highlighted on scan of their workXid member card.


Please open a request for further information if your Industry is not correctly represented.


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